Where Is The Line Between Feeling and Knowing?
Sometimes you just like to fool yourself,
Noone else would know how much joy can lie
in that very foolishness.
Sometimes insanity is all,
When you feel the touch of a moment,
When you catch the eyes -of a stranger-
With words in them
It lives but in your dreams,
You are but "sur la lune"
Although, all you do is smile
No one would know, but the mother earth
Alas, these are only moments,
And you keep wondering
Why they cannot last,
Then -much to your dismay-
You need to have the wisdom,
Not to let the foolishness take over,
And you need to know how to put yourself together,
And let the moment be just past
But what a pity it is
That, Only can you "sing with all the voices of the mountain"*
and "paint with all the colors of the moon"*,
Never, but In those very moments of insanity,
And this, you will realize very soon...
* "Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind"
"Colors Of The Wind" -- Vanessa Williams
Whether in English or in Persian, you always write great, so soothing, lovely and touching ...and of course, "nostalgic", the main characterisitc of your words I belive.
I like this song and thought you may like it too:
Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. Wish you long life, health, happiness and the best of everything.
I liked the idea behind your poem, however it took me sometime to understand what you actually mean. I have one other comment for you: I think you meant "dans la lune", pas "sur la lune". Excuse my presumption; you are the poet anyways.
Some times you should stop and wait.
Those who know say that soon is never far enough.
Good or bad, you paint it with the colors of your soul.
Some times you should stop and wait.
Those who know say that soon is never far enough.
Things come for a reason; good or bad, you paint it with the colors of your soul.
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